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Conveyor belt maintenance equipment


Quality Policy

It is the policy of the company to provide a range of products and services that meet the requirements of its customers, and quality standard parameters.

To meet this commitment the company has documented, implemented and will maintain a quality management system which sets out to meet the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2075.
The prime objective is providing a quality product and service through an adequately controlled quality management system. All Personnel are advised and understand this policy and are trained as necessary in their personal responsibilities within the system and records maintained.

This policy is approved by the undersigned and is supported by all Personnel within the organisation.

Reggie Hays
Vice President.

Health & Safety Policy

The company is committed to complying with all relevant Health and Safety laws and regulations. Resources will be available for the effective management of safety of the Company's premises, processes and equipment. Management safety systems and programs will be implemented and monitored to ensure continual improvement of health and safety of the workplace.
Management is accountable for the effective implementation of H&S programs, and will ensure that employees and contractors are made aware of them.
Program objectives include:

• Implement a risk management culture in the workplace by continuously identifying   hazards, assessing the risks and either eliminating them or controlling them to an   acceptable level.

• Consider H&S issues as a part of any decision-making that is made in the business.

• Train employees so they can work safely with confidence.

• Consult with employees about H&S issues and involve them in the management of   safety.

Employees and Contractors engaged by the Company are required to comply with the Company's H&S Policy and programs to ensure their own health and safety, and take reasonable care for the health and safety of others.

Contractors performing work on the Company's premises or off-site are accountable for complying with the Company's H & S policy, programs and procedures, working safely, observing directions from designated officers of the company and not compromising the health and safety of themselves or others.

Contractors and their employees working on behalf of MATO Corporation at clients or other remote sites, are additionally accountable for complying with any policies specifically relating to those sites that may be required by the site operator/owner.

Environmental Policy

The Company will seek actively to reduce it’s impact on the environment to the lowest practicable level, by ensuring that all operations and activities exemplify best contemporary practice in respect to the environment.

Any threat of pollution from it’s activities will be identified and either eliminated or effectively controlled.

The Company’s managing Director has specific responsibility for development of policy and regular evaluation of performance.

Responsibility for environmental matters within the company is designated to Senior Manager on the site.

The Company will prepare it’s own written environmental policy and will: -

1 ) Conform to and where appropriate exceed the legal regulatory and consent                            requirements of the Government Authority.

2 ) Exercise sensitivity to environmental matters in all aspects of planning.

3 ) For all relevant operations: -

a ) Promote re-cycling and the use of re-cycled materials, whilst reducing consumption of      materials wherever possible and minimizing wastage.

b ) Exercise all due care in transportation and disposal of waste off site, with due regard to       all environmental considerations.

c ) Develop early warning systems that will allow steps to be taken to prevent or mitigate           environmental incidents.

d ) Develop a continuing education and training program relating to environmental issues         for all its employees.

e ) Manage and conserve energy in all its operations and design every efficiency into its           new projects.

4 ) Seek to become a good neighbour and develop community relations to provide local           information and handle complaints.

5 ) Maintain the appearance of the company’s premises to the highest practical standards         to protect the visual amenity.

6 ) Produce a plan for handling emergencies and test it periodically.

7 ) Undertake regular reviews and audits both of the risk associated with its activities and         the workings of it.